A man finds himself going on a road to redemption when there’s more at stake than his past demons in this emotional film from filmmaker John Reign.

Former Army Sergeant John Kayhill has been suffering from the effects of post traumatic stress disorder since his tenure in the war ended, due to the guilt he’s felt since he was a leader resulting in many casualties. As if things haven’t been bad enough, John soon discovers he has stage four cancer. With only months left to live, John decides to go on a road trip with his wife Skye and his mentally handicapped brother Rodney. He becomes inspired when he learns that an old war buddy died of a heart attack. He decides to embark on a final road to redemption.

Using a motorcycle with a sidecar given to him by his fallen friend, John, Skye, and Rodney go cross country. Along the way, he decides to find the families of various soldiers who have served and under his units in an effort to bring closure to not only those he encounters, but himself as well. Along the way, he finds himself drawn closer to Rodney and Skye. As he starts to overcome the guilt he endured, he is hoping to make peace with those he affected during his time not just in the war, but to one special person, one he affected in his life overall.

Seriously, in an age where fans are treated to explosions and scares, there comes a time when even the most hardcore genre film fans need to see a film that shies away from what they are used to. And as a result, the need to see something heartwarming with a sense of faith brings that temporary relief from that madness of action and horror films. Enter John Reign, who stars, directed, wrote, produced, and edited this film about one man’s final road to redemption with a sense to find a purpose as the title indicates.

The film is emotional from beginning to end with bursts of comic relief mixed in. We see Reign’s John Kayhill going through the flashback that leads him to his PTSD then a nice reunion with some of his war buddies, which include the one who gives him the motorcycle. We then learn John has stage four cancer and he has no plans to deal with any radiation, which becomes the trigger for his mission. This becomes his inspiration as he convinces his wife Skye, played by Dawna Lee Heising, to join him as well as his mentally handicapped brother Rodney, played by Thomas Stoops, who does an excellent job. The film relies just as much on John’s mission as it does on his bonding with his brother as wife.

There are some key moments in the film that shows how far John is willing to go to achieve his mission despite his health deteriorating. They include getting into a bar fight to protect his wife from some local rednecks, meeting the mother of a soldier in his unit and learning her recent situation, and the piece de resistance, a meeting with someone he needed to seek closure with before it’s too late. Some of the in-between comic gags mainly involve Skye as she finds herself in some situations she never expects especially since instead of staying at motels on their journey, John and the family resort to roughing it in the woods wherever they can go.

Finding Purpose: The Road to Redemption is a feel good and emotional ride that serves its meaning. Some excellent natural performances from the cast makes this one to definitely check out.


A PoleStar Productions film. Director: John Reign. Producer; John Reign. Writer: John Reign. Cinematography: William Vincent Schotten. Editing John Reign.

Cast: John Reign, Thomas Stoops, Dawna Lee Heising, Aki Aleong, Ashley Gallo, Ross Carlo, John Catheline, Alley Wedge, James Schultz, Ed McIntosh.