
Robert Kovacs is the 21st Century Charles Bronson. It is clear with his uncanny resemblance to one of Hollywood’s most legendary action and western actors that Kovacs, a Hungarian-born actor and stuntman, would eventually be discovered and be given the nickname “Bronzi”. Discovered by indie filmmaker Rene Perez, Kovacs got his start in a western-horror hybrid before rising up to make what is clearly a perfect homage to Bronson’s prolific Death Wish film series, the very appropriately named Death Kiss, which is currently available on VOD and Digital HD platforms.

World Film Geek had the honor to speak with Kovacs via an e-mail interview.

I am excited to be talking to you. Were you always a fan of Charles Bronson?
It is exciting to talk to you about this movie and yes I have always been a fan of Bronson. Ever since I first Once Upon A Time in the West as a child. He is and will always be my favorite actor.

What is it about Charles Bronson that made you want to emulate the legend, because you do an amazing job of being the 21​st​ Century Bronson.
Thank You so much. You are too kind. I think Bronson was so great because he was an original. A take no nonsense type of actor. He conveyed a quiet yet confident persona. When you saw him on screen, you knew it would be magic.

Robert “Bronzi” Kovacs and Eva Hamilton in Death Kiss (Millman Productions)

How did you get approached to do Death Kiss?
I worked with director Rene Perez on a film called From Hell to the Wild West after he discovered my photograph in a Saloon while making a television series. He saw my picture as a sheriff in the local Wild West show. He thought it was an old photo of Bronson.  When he found out, I was at work and he wanted to meet.  From there, we did that film and he wanted to make Death Kiss for me.

What was it like working with director Rene Perez, whose forte is usually horror?
Working with Rene is wonderful. He is a good man and has great talent. He also surrounds himself with very good actors and crew. They understand film. Whether it is a scary film or action film, they know how to make good movies.

Robert “Bronzi” Kovacs and Eva Hamilton in Death Kiss (Millman Productions)

Do you plan to do a ​Death Kiss 2, ​ or even do another Bronson-style homage film like emulating films like ​Hard Times, or ​The Mechanic​ (even though that was already remade?)
I let the directors and producers decide what will work best.  I am happy playing roles like those offered to Bronson. I am honored to make movies like this for such a devoted audience and with such great people.  As said by my friend and co-star Daniel Baldwin on Twitter regarding a potential Death Kiss sequel. “Don’t we have more streets to clean partner?”  I sure hope we do.

Let’s hope there is a Death Kiss 2 and for those who haven’t seen it but want a taste of the Death Kiss, the film is now out on VOD and Digital HD. I also want to thank Kovacs for letting me in on Perez’s upcoming homage to martial arts films, The Dragon Unleashed!

A Special Thank You goes out to October Coast PR and Robert Kovacs for making this interview possible. For more on Kovacs, you can follow him on Twitter.