A Mahal Empire Production. Written and directed by Brandon Slagle. Produced and story by Michael Mahal and Sonny Mahal. Cinematography by Michael Su. Edited by Wayne Kent.

Stars John Wells, Michael Madsen, Eric Roberts, Robert LaSardo, Johnny Huang, Wesley Cannon, Kylie Fulmer, Bron Theron, Jason Marcos Velez, Edward Stachyra, Davi Catarya, Allen Woodman, Maria Bova, Sheri Davis, Mercedes Peterson, Kevin Hager, and BJ Mezek. 

Brandon Slagle’s latest film can be best described as The Running Man meets The Hunger Games on acid and it is freaking awesome!!!

It’s the year 2045. Prisoners who lost their parole have a chance at redemption and freedom by competing on a live show called “Arena Wars”. A group of ten prisoners must take on seven arenas led by seven of the deadliest killers in the world. If you survive, you win your freedom. If you don’t make it, you will end up six feet below. However, with the ratings dropping, the producer of the show, Belladonna, decides to find the perfect hero for the next round. 

Enter Luke Bender, a former Marine who took the fall under the orders of his commanding officer and is an innocent man imprisoned. He has been chosen in the next round of prisoners who must take on the likes of Nero, Counter-Strike, Meat Wagon, Master Blaster, Mr. Smiles, Calypso, and Cutie Pie. As Luke and the prisoners will do what they can to survive, he soon discovers something even more sinister behind the scenes. Can he be able to survive and who will be left when it is all said and done?

You have to hand it to Brandon Slagle. One of the biggest indie filmmakers for the last few years, he knows what can make a fun popcorn film and with films like Frost, Battle for Saipan, and Breakout to name a few films. His latest film is definitely one of his best. If you are a fan of The Running Man with Arnold Schwarzenegger, then this is definitely worth checking out because this is one awesome indie horror/action/sci-fi hybrid.

The cast in this is great. While Michael Madsen and Eric Roberts make the most of their screen time as Arena Wars host Samson and Luke’s father-in-law, a military admiral, the hero is played by an excellent John Wells. Wells, as Luke Bender, amps up the ferocity once he “auditions” for the show and then becomes the unofficial leader of the group due to his past. Kudos also go out to Australian boxer Kylie Fulmer, making her debut as kickboxing prisoner Billie; Wesley Cannon as Minty, and Johnny Huang as Khan. Robert LaSardo’s Perez is more of an extended cameo that helps become the build-up to Luke’s group entering the show. 

The “Arena Wars Seven” as I will call them are extremely vicious and have a various set of skills that become the stuff of nightmares. Bron Theron’s Nero is an arsonist who blew up the U.N. and sporting a crow-like mask unleashes a set of knives. Jason Marcos Velez’s Counter-Strike is a former military officer who uses recycled adrenaline to unleash his fury. Wesley Cannon not only plays prisoner Minty, but doubles as third killer Meat Wagon, a Staten Island-based butcher. Edward Stachyra does double duty as well in the roles of Drake and fourth killer Master Blaster with Davi Cartaya as the clown-masked sporting fifth killer Mr. Smiles.

Rounding out the killers are the film’s stunt/fight coordinator Allen Woodman as Calypso and Maria Bova as the kitty-masked, blade-wielding Cutie Pie, who believe it or not, is the “final boss” as her kill record has hit triple digits. Perhaps finding inspiration in The Hunger Games as well, there is a character who is the lead guard of the whole thing and he is a former Arena Wars champion who mentors the prisoners and finds himself cheering for our heroes. A special mention goes to Sheri Davis as the show’s announcer Holly Daze, who starts the show with a classic “Bye, bye, bitches!”

The action scenes are so intense, utilizing a various array of weapons and unarmed combat, thanks to Woodman’s decades long experience as a stuntman. There are blades, chainsaws, a bat with nails in it, and plenty more mayhem as we see prisoners executed in various manners which are totally insane, but this leads to an all-out jaw-dropping twist ending that is unexpected. The only small gripe is the fate of one character, but who knows. Maybe this will do well enough to warrant maybe a sequel as this is one hell of a ride. A ride I would enjoy over and over again, something I have done with The Running Man especially!

Arena Wars is the love child of The Running Man and The Hunger Games if they took a major acid trip…and that is meant in the best way possible! A fun, exciting, at times gruesome ride. Brandon Slagle has delivered one of the best films of his career!!! Fingers crossed for a sequel!!!

The film will be released on Demand and in select theaters on June 25 followed by a DVD/Blu-Ray release on July 9.